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Estrogen Blockers

Estrogen Blockers

We have natural estrogen blockers, professional brands. Try these products to balance your hormones and block excess estrogen naturally!

Relieve symptoms such as hot flashes, cramping, PMS, ovarian cysts and more
Support healthy menstrual cycles and menopause in younger and older women
Naturally detox dangerous xeno-estrogenic compounds from whole body.

We carry Premier EstroFlavone, Pure Encapsulations DIM, Calcium Glucarate, Natural Progesterone Progest E Oil Complex, and more!!


Find more products in our store.

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Estrogen Blockers - Wendy
My mother-in-law has just completed 6 months of chemo for breast cancer. She is going to be undergoing 3 weeks of radiation. They have told her she needs to be on tamoxefin, however there are MANY side effects to this drug. Are there any natural "alternatives" to this estrogen blocker?

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Timothy Long -
I am not a medical doctor, nor do I treat cancer. Having said that, there are many alternatives. I am not saying there are magic bullets that assure the cancer to disappear, but there are many others things to try that are not toxic like Tamoxifen, and many people have been successful. The most important and helpful product to mention is natural progesterone (Dr Peat's Progest E Oil) to remove the excess estrogens in the body and to protect the body from excess estrogen. It is also a cancer preventative. Every women should consider taking natural progesterone. Here you will find a list of all the products we carry for women's health including many estrogen blockers.

Re:Estrogen Blockers -
I am a male bodybuilder and as you might know the more testosterone I produce the more estrogen naturally goes up! What could I use to stop the excess estrogen and/or the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Beverley - New Zealand
Am on tamoxifen after mast. for estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. My doctor says that any additional estrogen in what ever form is a risk. Would like an alternative to Tamoxifen but I am not a gambler.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Georgia 
250 mg/day of calcium d-glucarate and 400 mg/day of DIM are effective anti-estrogen dosages for male bodybuilders. Theoretically, these compunds taken in conjunction with tribulus, vitex and maca should increase free testosterone significantly, as evidenced by increased libido.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Dafna - Australia
Progesterone cream increased my estrogen positive breast cancer, However calcium-d-glucarate- 3g per day- definitely reduced it

Re:Estrogen Blockers - PETIT - france
which are the natural herbs or food that can be used or effective as estrogen blockers? Thank you

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Jim - PGH-USA
Like many men I'm looking for a supplement to help decrease estrogen production from testosterone and it's effects ( Estrogen Blockers). Also like many people I'm on a budget and would prefer a product that doesn’t eat up all my funds. Thanks Jim

Re:Estrogen Blockers - rick - oregon
I am a 30 year old male i have been tired and not much energy or sex drive so i seen a doctor he did some tests my testosterone level was low for some one my age so he say's it was 349 it is suppose to be 1000 he say'd my estrogen level was high so he put me on testosterone therapy that gave me hot flashes and made me very hostile and angry so i think my testosterone is fine i think i need an estrogen blocker what do you think thank you.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Amir - Toronto
I am also a male bodybuilder and as you might know the more testosterone I produce the more estrogen naturally goes up! What could I use to stop the excess estrogen and/or the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. This is actually a very large problem in the body building community. Any advice would be great, foods or homeopathic.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - gubi - israel
Estriol, one of the estrogens produced by the ovaries, is considered a safe estrogen in that it has been shown to inhibit breast cancer. Another type of phytoestrogen you might want to look into are isoflavones that are from lignan source such as flaxseeds and flaxseed oil. Fresh flaxseed oil from a good source, taken with organic cottage cheese or yugort have been used for many years to prevent and treat cancer. they are especially effective against breast cancer. search the web and read more on these. Tamoxifen has a long list of damage effects. If you need some additional advice or direction, you are welcome to get in touch with me through my e-mail. Good luck and best of health, Gubi

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Charlotte - Moncton
Food that are estrogen blockers are: flaxseeds, buckwheat, wheat, wheat bran, ligins found in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, daikon, kale, kohlrabi, radish and turnip), and flavonoids in citrus fruits.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - SandiLynne - Michigan
I have 1st stage endometrial cancer with a 90% estrogen receptor factor and an 80% progesterone receptor factor. Also, a 'weakly positive' HER2 factor. Is anyone familiar with treating this with alternatives rather than the allopathic route (treating symptoms only) that the medical community has to offer? Please e-mail me ASAP. Thank you. Sincerely, SandiLynne

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Anna - Milano, Italy
my name is Anna Castellaneta and I live in Milano, Italy. At the beginning of this year I underwent an operation for breast cancer (quadrantectomy). After chemo/radiotherapy I was told to begin the 5-years therapy with the well-known Tamoxifen, since my carcinoma is ER positive. I am 44 years old. I am very doubtful on the validity of this drug. I would like to know if there is an alternative natural product and if it is true that PROGESTERONE CREAMS can help. I thank you in advance for your kind attention.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Regina - Torrance, California
In my mid thirties I developed ER positive breast cancer. I had tow local recurrences then and my estrogen and prolactin levels are still high (I had surgery and radiation but refusing all other drugs)Besides IC3 and calcium d-glucarate which I am already taking, what other natural supplement or creams could I use as an additional safe guard? Thanks, any ideas are appreciated

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Paul - canada
like so many others, to much estrogen in a male causes breasts. Is there a natural remedy to prevent this from happening? Thanks

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Elizabeth - Missouri
I have severe Uterine Fibroids. I am interested in knowing if eating Soy is bad as it has estrogen like proteins? Also in addition to increasing intake of Ligins, Bioflavinoids, Wheat Bran, Progesterone and Calcium Glucarate Natural Therapy Dr. prescribed High Dose Vitamin E. What might be the reason for this?

Re:Estrogen Blockers - sylvain - montreal
I am a male trying to build muscle on a vegan diet.In order to lower my seemingly high natural estrogen the only product I have had success with is Indole-3-Carbinol(I-3-C) a broccoli extract,it's really great,I read it actually caused cervix displasia(a type of cancer)regression to normal in many women.Also it does not reduce testosterone in men like ca-glucarate.The only drawback is the flatulence(try eating a plate of broccoli ! )so don't take it everyday.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - usa
passifrora or the passion plant; is a very effective estrogen blocker. I use it for bodybuilding and it works very well. just take one hole flower and dip it into boiling water, before you go to sleep.You will notice a difference in a week.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Nancy - Decatur, Texas
I had breast cancer 2 years ago that had estrogen positive receptors. I am currently looking for a natural estrogen blocker that is not harmful to the body. I have gone through 3 chemo treatments and was told I needed tamoxifen which I refused. Please send any info that can be of help to me and many others whom I know that have and have had breast cancer. Thank you.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Lisa 
I am interested in a natural estrogen blocker. i take femara now. I don't like taking it

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Suzette - St. Paul, Minnesota
How much Flax seed oil is needed daily to replace tamoxifen. Do the hormones in meat and dairy have something to do with this outbreak of breast cancer. I am 42, just finished with 4 chemo treatments after a mastectomy. Thank you.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Jessica - Verona, NJ
I was given a tamoxifen treatment over the course of one year about 23 years ago. I was 13 years old and the treatment was experimental for a tumor called desmoidfibromatosis. I also recieved radiation and I am now in remission for 20 + years. I am now trying to conceive a child and I am 35. Does anyone know what the bearing of these treatments may have on my fertility and the overall health of my child? My overies were protected from the radiation using shields and proper angeling of the radiation. Any info would be appreciated.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - gali - israel
I was diagnosed a few months ago with invasive lobular ca: her/new negative er+ moderate 70% and progest 10% moderate, slow growing stage 2. Since rejected preoperative chemo was given femara and zoladex injections. I would like a natural alternative to the femara since after a month's use I have side effects like nausea. What is your suggestion for an effective natural nontoxic alternative. Thank you, Gali, Israel.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Timothy Long -
Everyone should consider cleansing their liver, see Extended Health Liver Support above, to decongest the liver so it better metabolizes estrogen and cleanses your body of toxic estrogenic compounds. See our online store for more information.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Janice - Northern Ireland
Im 30 year old women who was diagnosed with breast cancer er positive last year. I am currently on tamoxifen to scared to stop it yet, but am also taking ic3 is this too much estrogen blockers

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Juanita - Lakewod, WA
I am 42 years old African American Women and single parent. I had breast cancer twice. The first time in 1995. I was cancer free for 12 years. I had a lumpectomy and radiation. The second time I was diagnosed with HER2-positive breast in April 2007. I also will like to know more information natural estrogen blockers. I decided not to do chemo. My oncologist was very upset and angry with me. I had small calcifications 0.7 that were invasive cancer on the same left breast. I am a stage 1 with no lymph nodes. I had a mastectomy and thinking about breast reconstruction. I want to go the naturopathic or alternative therapy for my breast cancer treatment. I am remaining hopeful to keep my cancer in remission. My family and friends think I am crazy but everyone has to make decision about the health choice for themselves. I heard Calcium D-Glucarate helps the body to detoxify harmful estrogenic chemicals.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - craig - australia
I am a bodybuilder and have been using red clover (trifolium pratense) as a natural blocker, unsure if effective yet as to soon to tell, anyone else tried it and does it work, any other fedback would be great on how to get and what to get?

Re:Estrogen Blockers - margaret - califorina
I am 54 and still have a period. My estrogen levels are high shown my mammogram xray and ultrasound. They said not to worry. How ar what do I do to help level this breast is still tender. Have modified diet with more broccoli, cabbage,cauliflower,brown rice. I don't want breast cancer.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Sue
I need a natural inexpensive non toxic alternative to Femara

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Ish - idaho
I am a male 32 years of age. 250 lbs. I was taking a supplement called mass extreme and it had some horrible affects (like decresed size in testicles and increased estrogen, can anyone please tell me what i can do to reverse these side affects?

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Alice - Thomasville, AL
I've dealt with cancer since 1994. I'm told my body produce too much estrogen. What can I do?

Re:Estrogen Blockers - RONALD - PARK FOREST IL

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Rose - KY
I need to know what can I take for natural herbs & foods, to block hormones. My Doc. is going to put me on tamoxifen, which I rather not get on. Thank You Rose

Re:Estrogen Blockers - noot - london
I have a large calcified fibroid and 5 other small non calcified. how can I get rid of the CF and shrink the others without surgery. please feel free to email me. Good luck to all & best wishes.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Patsy - winter park, florida
I need info. also on alternatives to tamoxifen. Thank you!

Re:Estrogen Blockers - skye - australia
I am 41 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year. I have almost finished chemo and will begin radiation soon after. I have been advised to undergo 5 years of tamoxifen but am very wary and would like to hear from anyone who has or is using a healthier alternative that has been of benefit to them. Any advice in this matter wouold be greatly appreciated. thanks

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Teresa - Alaska
I'm a 53 year old I have just foind out I have LCIS I will be talking to a doctor soon about taking Tamoxifen for the next five years,after reading what alot of the ladies say about it I'm concerned about all those side effects. Is there abetter way to go?

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Nancy H - Bradenton, Florida
Hi y'all: I am 66, just had mastectomy for er+ ca. Really don't want chemo, and then don't want tamoxifen to follow. What can you tell me about estrogen blockers? Thanks and good health to all of you.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Isobel - Marathon
I have just completed chemo for stage one grade one breast cancer I will start radiation soon the oncologist has prescribed femera which I do not want to take as i have past menopause and already have athritis side effects don't sound healthy at all need an alternative choice

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Louise - Florida
Would someone please email me as to the proper amount of flaxseed oil or flaxcapsules as a natural estrogen blocker.I read where it is good to take it with yogurt or cottage cheese. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and have had all sorts of treatments along with a bilateral mastectomy. Thanks!

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Gareth - England
Am i right in thinking if suffering from male breasts that if i cut out the estrogen i will be able to reduce and maybe make them go all together with fitness and weight training? Help please

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Carl - Las Vegas
After a great deal of reading and experiments, I have found that estrogen can be blocked by: stinging nettle, cabbage, broccoli, soy flavones, zinc (rids the liver of estrogen, but doesn't block it). Saw Palmetto blocks DHT, but is bad for sex functioning. Beta sitosterols are great: wheat germ, nuts, soy and vegetable oils. Fats from milk and meat are loaded with estrogen. Your own fat produces estrogen, but you can walk or exercise in the sunshine most days to get rid of it [but don't eat sugar or white flour or saturated fat].

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Suzana - Orlando, Fl
48 years old. Stage 1 Er+ breast cancer. Bilateral Masectomy, hysterectomy and oophorectomy. Tamoxifen for 6 months, then Femara for 3 months. I just stopped taking Femara for one month now (on my own) due to side effects especially joint pain. What nataural alternatives are there? What type of doctor can I see besides an oncologist? I refuse to permanately damage my body any further. Iknow there are alternatives that the pharmaceutical companies DON"T want us to know about. Advice please!

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Venkat - India
thanks Carl for your information......

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Linda - USA, NYS
I, too, may do radiation after stage 0's and 1 .5 cm of stage 1. Positive for estrogen receptors. Started Arimidex with side effects, told Dr. may be stopping it. Would like natural estrogen blockers. Please respond.

Re:Estrogen Blockers - ick - Constanta - Romania
What is the best natural anti-estrogen or aromatase inhibitor? Is it flaxseed, nettle or DIM?

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Michigan
NOT every woman should consider taking natural progesteron. I have a progesteron postive breat cancer and so do many others who do not need more progesterone in their bodies. Be more careful with what you are telling people

Re:Estrogen Blockers - Shirlene - Georgia
I have been prescribed Toxic Medication to Block Hormones. I want to take a Natural alternative. My Diagnosis is Low Grade Sarcoma in Lower Abdomen Area, whic has been Surgically removed. Does anyone have a recommendation?