Progesterone Lozenge
Purchase Dr. Raymond Peat's natural progesterone, Progest E Oil Complex here at Long Natural Health. This is the best natural progesterone product available.
Progesterone Lozenge - Kay - USA
I currently am taking Progesterone Lozenges. I take 200 mg/3x day from days 14 thru 25, then 100 mg/3x day from days 26 and 27 and then 1/4 of a lozenge for day 28. I was wondering if anyone else takes this and if so, what results and side affects you have experienced with it. I find myself a bit depressed in the a.m., acne face!, swollen breasts off and on, weight gain, I have not found that it has helped much with my sleeping though. Anyone else?! Kay
Progesterone Lozenge -Timothy Long -
Natural Progesterone can be very helpful with acne, depression, swollen breasts, weight gain as well as pms, menstrual cramps and menopause symptoms. The connection seems to be high estrogen, estrogenic compounds, xeno-estrogens, etc, that depress the liver and thyroid. These have to be cleared from the body and support needs to be given to your liver and thyroid, and also adrenals. Correct diet and oils and fats need to be understood. Other sources of excess estrogens in food, beauty products, etc. need to be understood. It is of great importance to resolve hormonal conditions properly as such imbalances are indicated in diseases like cancer and heart disease. As far as progesterone, Dr Peat's Progest E Oil Complex is the only product I would recommend or use. On our website you will also find many supplements to support your thyroid and adrenal glands, as well as to clear excess estrogens. See our women's health category.